These days do surely mark the approach
Though haze pervades thy way
Fate union light
Born not of hope
Therein lies my aim.
Within the dell by yew-torn light
First glanced upon
O sweetest sight
O woden call
You passed the bough
Where silver tendrils rise
And came again
Again to me
Again dear union light.
Forward light of whisper’d change
Coming to me to rearrange
My soul song lost in tune
Igniting me so sweet
So soon.
Amber dawn from inward lustre
Embark within the rain
Calm of soul amid the storm
The beacon shines again
On the eve of northward dawn
By a dry and dampened wait.
By the eighth,
A greylit morn,
On the edge of northward fate.
Fair land o’ blood
Of glen torn highs
O farther north
I smile and breathe a sigh.
Seeds within my eye,
Have lead me to this place.
And once again shall I return,
To stay in open grace.
These wind-torn peaks
And time worn shores
O of the soul I speak
And they reply
O jagged crags in time.
Within amid
Such hurried sort
Eyes a-glaze, inanely wrought
Looking through the shadowed pane.
Knowing love will come again.
Golden sign remind
Idle crows at dawn
No longer wait in enmity
Fate union soon to call.