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Writer's picture: Andrew D. ClarkAndrew D. Clark

For now there is a happening,

Here soon to be revived.

And all the days that came before,

Forever intertwined.

Above hard seas,

And solemn dreams,

An interweaved benign retrieve,

That leads the way to love



Quell not can I, this sadness

That lingers on my soul.

Idle oaks between, do I

Feel so very old.

No sight of mind at rest,

All has turned oblique.

In vagrant lofts all lies bereft,

No light for which to seek.

Omittance of chamber days;

A pittance of things to pass.

Wistful in thought I remain

Regarded as feckless and strange.

Cold haven calling swiftly for I know

There grows a light by way of shrouded source.

Beneath each step per dusty pace by road,

A sign implied by means of current course.

Nothing ever goes in vain.

Always there is

A part to remain.

As one,

The same.

Unwaveringly potent,

All has lead to here.

Inward depths of a softest moment,

Unwaveringly near.

And all that I may fathom,

All that I may will,

All is non compared to thee,

Unwaveringly still.

There are places unseen in my memory

Which urge me to meet them in time.

Subtle as silent may be,

Visions in an ocean of mind.

Veil of tide,

Withdraw from sight,

Reveal a sacred view.

Sail of time,

Release the night.

Lead me where I’m due.

Aim repose by sight of low,

In time eclipses pass.

By law of light and slight of woe,

Each one unto the last.

Echoed by mind, illusions undue,

Repeated in kind by delusional few.

No substance in mass, or outward decline,

For truth is inward, no product of mind.

So inward I dwell

And wreak out the hymn,

To chase not mere shadows

Nor recount my limbs.

For onward is still

A journey within,

To planes yet unknown,

Igniting to dim.

Still, onward is vast,

Though surmountably so

A lesson to pass

Underlying it all.


Writer's picture: Andrew D. ClarkAndrew D. Clark

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

These days do surely mark the approach

Though haze pervades thy way

Fate union light

Born not of hope

Therein lies my aim.

Within the dell by yew-torn light

First glanced upon

O sweetest sight

O woden call

You passed the bough

Where silver tendrils rise

And came again

Again to me

Again dear union light.

Forward light of whisper’d change

Coming to me to rearrange

My soul song lost in tune

Igniting me so sweet

So soon.

Amber dawn from inward lustre

Embark within the rain

Calm of soul amid the storm

The beacon shines again

On the eve of northward dawn

By a dry and dampened wait.

By the eighth,

A greylit morn,

On the edge of northward fate.

Fair land o’ blood

Of glen torn highs

O farther north

I smile and breathe a sigh.

Seeds within my eye,

Have lead me to this place.

And once again shall I return,

To stay in open grace.

These wind-torn peaks

And time worn shores

O of the soul I speak

And they reply

O jagged crags in time.

Within amid

Such hurried sort

Eyes a-glaze, inanely wrought

Looking through the shadowed pane.

Knowing love will come again.

Golden sign remind

Idle crows at dawn

No longer wait in enmity

Fate union soon to call.

Writer's picture: Andrew D. ClarkAndrew D. Clark

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

Beside of mind in woden days.

For warmth now doth reside,

By winds of ease amid the ley,

Thy gentle breeze remind.

In seeking for thy ceaseless end

One may come to find

All soon to be is now to heel

And that one is beyond thy mind.

I do not know

Though I have seen

What now awaits

Lies in between

Amid the loam

Beneath thy feet

Behind all frets

An idol speaks

A luminous song

Found true amid heart

Heard from beyond,

A voice in the dark

Heard all along

Born not of my mind.

Now soon to impart,

Companion in kind.

Hours upon days

Embark to return

And hasten to the ground

For I yearn.

Helpless yet still

I look to the shroud.

For now that I am truly lost,

Can I again be found.

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